Our Positive Handling BLOG

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Restraint in Schools

Embracing the Local Context: Dynamis Training’s Unique Approach to Handling Behaviours of Concern in the UAE

How to manage pupils’ behaviours of concern is a key challenge for [...]

Restraint in Schools

Encouraging report on use of reasonable force in schools

In March 2024, the Department for Education (DfE) published “Reasonable force, restraint [...]

Managing Challenging Behaviour, Positive Behaviour Management, Verbal Communications

Relationships and Crises in Schools – Part 3

"How do you deal with children who do not like praise?"I think [...]

Managing Challenging Behaviour, Positive Behaviour Management, Verbal Communications

Relationships and Crises in Schools – Part 1

An interview about Behaviour in Schools.Firstly, in your opinion what is the [...]

Deescalation, Managing Challenging Behaviour, Restraint in Schools, Verbal Communications

What are Trauma Informed Schools?

What are Trauma-Informed Schools? Trauma-informed schools are educational institutions that recognize the [...]

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