March 4, 2023

March 4, 2023

Why Schools Need Positive Handling Training


The safety and wellbeing of students should be a top priority for any school. Unfortunately, incidents of challenging behaviour, aggression and violence can occur in educational settings. To mitigate these risks, schools need to have policies and procedures in place for handling difficult situations effectively. One of the most effective ways to ensure staff are equipped to manage challenging behaviour is through positive handling training.

Benefits of Positive Handling Training

Positive handling training is a comprehensive approach to managing difficult behaviour in a way that minimises the risk of harm to students and staff. This training provides practical skills and techniques to enable school staff to manage challenging behaviour safely and effectively. There are several benefits to providing positive handling training for school staff:

1. Risk Reduction

Positive handling training focuses on reducing the risks associated with managing challenging behaviour. Staff are taught how to recognise the early signs of escalating behaviour, how to de-escalate situations and how to use physical intervention techniques safely and effectively.

Schools have a legal obligation to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their students. By providing positive handling training, schools can ensure that their staff are equipped with the necessary skills to manage difficult behaviour in a way that is compliant with legal requirements.

3. Staff Confidence

Being able to manage difficult behaviour effectively can be a challenging and stressful experience for school staff. Positive handling training can help to build staff confidence and enable them to manage these situations with greater ease and effectiveness.

Challenges of Positive Handling Training

While positive handling training is an effective way to manage difficult behaviour, there are also some challenges associated with this approach. These include:

1. Cost

Providing positive handling training can be a significant cost for schools, particularly smaller schools with limited budgets.

2. Time

Training staff can take time away from other important tasks, which can be a challenge for schools with limited resources.

3. Resistance

Some staff may be resistant to the idea of physical intervention, which can make it challenging to implement positive handling training effectively.

In conclusion…

Positive handling training is an essential tool for any school looking to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their students. While there are some challenges associated with providing this training, the benefits far outweigh these challenges. By investing in positive handling training, schools can ensure that their staff are equipped with the necessary skills to manage difficult behaviour safely and effectively.

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