May 14, 2018

May 14, 2018

Positive Handling in London

Dynamis Training has been providing highly popular, tailored and appropriate training courses for Positive Handling in London for several years.   Our trainers regularly visit Newham, and travel from Hackney to Haringey, or from Bromley to Brent.  We have helped teachers to manage difficult, distressed or dangerous behaviour everywhere from Richmond to Croydon, across Greenwich, Southwark, Lambeth and Fulham.  There’s hardly a corner of the inner city or the wider greater London that we haven’t at some point visited and had a great time with groups of teachers, TAs and leaders who want to create a safer and more secure environment in their schools, with children whose needs are being met in an environment of professional caring.

Here are some options for Positive Handling in London:

1  One Full Day Positive Handling (This is our flagship course for schools in London)

For London teams who can find the time, this option gives your staff the most practice time and question/answer time with the trainers about the decision-making framework for physical interventions.  Assimilation of the legal ‘rules’ and long-term retention of the physical skills is best with this duration of contact time.  Be aware though that INSET days are booked LONG in advance!  It is prudent to consider the short-format options below also.

2  Short-Format Twilight or Half-Day Positive Handling training in London (Blended with Online –  hugely popular option if you’ve run out of INSET days or have an emergency requirement for training)

We are finding that many schools want the training as soon as possible, without needing to book a full INSET day.   This convenient Half-day or Twilight option blends online learning with an in-person training session and can be booked on any convenient date.

Your team are engaged by pre-course study of the ‘knowledge and theory components’ using our popular online learning system.  Our trainer then visits with you to complete the training with Q&A and physical skills development, taking about 3 hours in the AM, PM or Twilight, at a time which is convenient and expedient for you.

3  AM Whole School Talk with ‘Response Team’ Positive Handling Training (quite popular in London where there may be a wider need for awareness amongst the staff team)

This comprises of a 60- or 90-minute presentation about the government guidance, legal principles and risk management issues about positive handling which can quickly give a large body of staff in London schools an overview of the issues involved in positive handling and an insight into their rights, duties and powers.

It is then followed by 4-5 hours of training for a selected group of staff (usually around 10-14 people) who have been specifically selected to receive the training so that they can be the schools authorised and designated ‘responders’ when a situation requires de-escalation and perhaps physical intervention.

4  Tailored Training for Special Contexts (TNA Visit + Customised Positive Handling Training)

Where a London school has a predominance of special-needs children, or there are other impact factors which need to be taken into consideration, our specialist can visit with your school to talk with leaders and staff, get a feel for how things work and review your incidents and policies in order to create a customised training programme for the specific needs of your school.

We have created customised training for London schools who look after profoundly disabled children, for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties, and for PRU / Alternative Provision schools dependant on their unique environments and contexts

5  Whole-School Online Awareness

Some London school leaders would like a non-invasive way to ensure that ALL staff in the school are made aware of the legal issues, risk management and government guidance.   Our online training system allows for individual account creation, auditing of progress, individual scoring and a number of other useful features which can help your leadership team to establish a baseline of understanding across your school for Positive Handling.

To get more informaiton about how we can help you with Positive Handling in London, please get in touch:

6 Other Courses

Dynamis also provides Education and Children-relevant courses relevant to schools in London such as:    

“Engaging with Parents” (Conflict Management) 

“Verbalisation Skills for the Classroom”  (Behaviour Management)

“Breakaway and Personal Safety” (Robust Skills for Self-Protection in Special Needs Contexts)

Is Whole-School Positive Handling the right answer? Positive Handling Training 3

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Call 0844 812 9795 or Schedule a time and day here - let our system handle the rest!

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